quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010
Feirão da Caixa terá 450 mil imóveis à venda neste ano no país
Mais de 450 mil imóveis estarão à venda em 13 cidades do país no Feirão da Casa Própria, realizado pela Caixa Econômica Federal entre 7 de maio e 11 de junho. O evento ainda será completado por 41 feiras de menor porte, sem detalhar os locais.
Preços de imóveis disparam até 40% em São Paulo
Vendas de imóveis usados crescem 36% em janeiro no Estado de SP
Financiamento imobiliário com recursos da poupança bate recorde
A feira passará por Belém, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Curitiba, Uberlândia, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Brasília, Recife, Porto Alegre, Fortaleza, Campinas e Florianópolis.
A sexta edição do evento terá 200 mil moradias dentro do programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida. A previsão é que os negócios realizados durante o feirão totalizem R$ 3,5 bilhões.
Apenas em São Paulo serão oferecidos 151.845 imóveis, sendo 35.919 pelo Minha Casa, Minha Vida. O evento considera a capital, Grande São Paulo e Baixada Santista.
A Caixa bateu novo recorde em financiamento habitacional neste ano, com a contratação de R$ 19,6 bilhões até 23 de abril, o suficiente para atender 323.268 famílias, de acordo com os dados divulgados nesta quarta-feira. O montante é 126% superior ao emprestado no mesmo período do ano anterior. Em quantidade, a expansão é de 71%.
O programa federal Minha Casa, Minha Vida teve 417.814 contratos assinados até o dia 26 de abril, totalizando R$ 23,5 bilhões em investimentos.
A vantagem do feirão para quem está procurando um imóvel é reunir em um único local todos os agentes da cadeia, como construtoras, corretores, cartórios e técnicos do banco responsáveis por analisar e liberar os financiamentos.
Consultores alertam, no entanto, para que os futuros mutuários avaliem com calma as condições do empréstimo e não apenas se a parcela vai caber no orçamento, além da estrutura do imóvel e do seu entorno, o que inclui transporte, comércio local e segurança, para não se arrepender depois do negócio fechado.
As linhas de financiamento da Caixa atendem a todas as faixas de renda familiar, têm prazo de pagamento de até 30 anos e juros que variam entre 4,5% e 13% ao ano, mais TR.
Veja o cronograma dos feirões:
Belém: 7 a 9 de maio
São Paulo: 13 a 16 de maio
Fortaleza: 14 a 16 de maio
Curitiba: 20 a 23 de maio
Salvador: 20 a 23 de maio
Rio: 20 a 23 de maio
Recife: 21 a 23 de maio
Brasília: 21 a 23 de maio
Uberlândia: 21 a 23 de maio
Campinas: 21 a 23 de maio
Florianópolis: 21 a 23 de maio
Porto Alegre: 21 a 23 de maio
Belo Horizonte: 11 a 13 de junho
Financie sua casa própria sem juros,
sem entrada, sem fiador e sem SPC/Serasa!
segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010
gearing up for the biggest most awesome launch ever? We
will be launching products endorsed by celebrities,
athletes and world renowned doctors. I predict this to be a
multi-billion dollar company within a few years.
EVERYONE who joins this opportunity after you will be on
your SmartLine team. Timing is everything, so get the
word out today. This is pretty exciting, and it’s about to
get better. FREE TO JOIN!! It will be launching on 05.15.10
domingo, 25 de abril de 2010
Aluguéis novos sobem 10% em 12 meses até março, diz Secovi-SP
Essa alta representa a maior variação no período de 12 meses desde junho de 2009, quando se observou aumento de 11,33%. Em relação aos valores praticados em fevereiro, os novos contratos de aluguel apresentaram alta de 2%.
A maior variação no comparativo de março ante fevereiro foi registrada nos imóveis de até dois quartos, de 2,5%. O aluguel de residências de um quarto registrou alta média de 2%, enquanto a de três dormitórios apresentou a menor alta, de 0,8%.
No período, o Índice de Velocidade de Locação (IVL), que mede o intervalo em que o imóvel ficou desocupado, variou de 16 a 34 dias. Casas e sobrados foram alugados mais rapidamente do que os apartamentos em março.
Fuja do aluguel! Financie 100% de sua casa própria em até 30 anos, sem juros, sem entrada, sem fiador, sem comprovação de renda e sem consulta ao SPC e Serasa.
sábado, 24 de abril de 2010
SQIP Green Win Member Reward Program
When anyone in your referral network subscribes to our telecoms package or makes any other purchase you will be making instant commissions.
There are zero obligations, quotas or requirements before you earn commissions.
All you need to to do to start earning is build your referral network which is tracked through ten levels with unlimited members on each level.
And it gets even better…because you don't have to wait for pay day to get your commissions.
Every commission generated from your 10 level deep unlimited width referral network is credited to you in real time.
You can access your back office 24/7 and move your money to our ewallet service whenever you want and from there you transfer to your bank or load your MasterCard…which we give you for free.
There is no waiting for pay checks or administration…you simply pay yourself out whenever you want.
There are over 4 billion people using mobile phones and they are mostly paying big fees to call their contacts at home and overseas…but with the Green Win Network they and you can say hello freedom and bye bye roaming charges.
You see…when you call one of your contacts in the green win network your call is automatically routed via our servers over the internet…in fact we even show you on your phone display whether your contact is reachable via our network before you even make the call…so you know that your call is going to be connected for free…even when you are calling the other side of the world.
No connection charges…no roaming charges…just free unlimited calls.
Your call is connected immediately and the quality is excellent !
You can also make calls to numbers not in your contact list and we have taken care of that for you also. Those calls will give you a massive saving compared to what you would ususally pay. Our network currently covers calls to over 100 countries….with more countries coming soon.
But the killer APP here is when you introduce your contacts using our push button invite. Your send the invite and your contacts have instant access to start making free calls. All they need to do is accept the invite and they are automatically in the system for the 7 DAY FREE TRIAL.
They don't even need to register.
But don't worry as our system tracks their number just like we track cookies via the web site. So when they do come to sign up the system knows that it is your referral.
This is powerful stuff as you are creating a viral tsunami that can spread globally as more and more people join your 10 level unlimited width referral network that can make you a 5 or even 6 figure income in commissions…and because the subscription fee is renewable…you can build a passive residual commission income plus make all the calls you want for free or at up to 98% savings.
Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Well there's EVEN more….
You can earn instant commissions from GWN telecoms…and that is an amazing service but you can ALSO earn instant commissions from advertising, online meeting services and the Green Win super Mall that will have thousands of in demand products and next year our services will include clean green electricity to households in Europe supplied by our own Intelligent Green Power Generators.
And remember there are no obligations before you can start earning commissions….simply get your affiliate link out there and start building your network.
We take care of the rest.
So lets recap quickly…
You can join green win network at zero cost
You can build your referral network…we give you great promotion tools to do that by the way
Your commissions are credited instantly in real time.
You can access your affiliate back office 24/7 to pay yourself out to your ewallet.
There are zero obligations or quotas required before you earn commissions.
You can opt to try our telecoms service for 7 days before subscribing. This gives you time to invite your contacts to try it also….make free calls to each other and get everybody going crazy inviting everybody else..
Quick FAQ
So there is no cost to join, no small print or catches. I can join for free and make instant commissions when anyone in my referral network makes a purchase?
That is correct.
And my referral network is tracked 10 levels deep with unlimited members on each level?
There are zero obligations on my part?
Right again!
And members can really make free calls when they subscribe to the GWN Telecoms services.
Where can I see how much I earn from each income stream?
In your back office.
And when do the other income streams kick in?
Don't worry they are in development and on the way. But with just the telecoms service you can begin to make some very good money. There are over 4 billion people out there who are using mobile / cell phones and most of them are going to be interested in what you have to tell them about our services.
I don't know how to market on the internet?
Not an issue. Just use the marketing section in your back office. There is plenty there to turn you into an excellent internet marketer in a very short time.
Can I use the push button invite feature on my mobile?
Yes you get that feature instantly you begin the 7 day free trial….and all of your contacts get it also just as soon they they begin the free trial.
So what about this eWallet thing; how does that work?
The eWallet is simply a system of getting your money to your bank or loading the debit card. You can move your commission to your wallet account whenever you want. Then you transfer money to your bank or debit card or to any other member who also has a wallet.
You get the MasterCard for free by the way!
How much can I earn with all of this?
The bigger your referral network becomes….and it can become massive…the higher the probability that subscriptions will be made and products purchased.
We are providing some very cool services but this is not a guarantee that anyone in your referral network will actually subscribe or make a purchase.
Keep in mind that if you do not get someone in your network you can be sure that another member will.
The race is on!
sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010
Vendas de imóvel usado sobem 36% no Estado de SP
SÃO PAULO - As vendas de imóveis usados no Estado de São Paulo cresceram 36,01% em janeiro em relação a dezembro, totalizando 640 unidades, de acordo com pesquisa divulgada nesta sexta-feira, 23, pelo Conselho Regional de Corretores de Imóveis do Estado de São Paulo (Creci-SP), com base em dados de 1.361 imobiliárias. Com isso, o índice de vendas estadual passou de 0,3458 no final do ano passado para 0,4702 em janeiro. Do total comercializado, 55% foram apartamentos e 45% casas.
Os imóveis mais vendidos na capital em janeiro, com 57,45% do total de contratos, foram os de valor superior a R$ 200 mil. No interior, os mais vendidos foram as casas e apartamentos de valor entre R$ 141 mil e R$ 160 mil, somando 19,72% dos negócios fechados pelas imobiliárias.
Segundo o presidente do Creci-SP, José Augusto Viana Neto, mesmo sendo um mês marcado pelas férias, janeiro tem um ritmo mais intenso de atividade imobiliária, "mas não se trata de uma explosão de vendas e de locação, como sugerem os números que surgem da comparação com dezembro".
No mercado de locação os resultados foram ainda mais expressivos. No primeiro mês do ano, o número de imóveis alugados cresceu 103,72% ante dezembro. No período, as imobiliárias consultadas alugaram 2.285 casas e apartamentos. Com o resultado, o índice estadual de locação subiu de 0,8241 em dezembro para 1,6789 em janeiro. O crescimento foi registrado nas quatro regiões pesquisadas, atingindo 293,46% nas cidades do A, B, C, D, Guarulhos e Osasco; 211,25% no Interior; 25,13% no Litoral; e 19,25% na Capital.
"Esse salto reflete peculiaridades do mês de janeiro, mas também pode ser um indicativo de que a renda das famílias está crescendo e que será um dos fatores capazes de sustentar a expansão da economia em ritmo quase 'chinês' este ano", acrescenta Viana Neto. As peculiaridades são uma referência ao hábito e à necessidade de muitas famílias, casais e estudantes de mudar de casa em janeiro, aproveitando as férias escolares.
A performance é atribuída também ao fato de que dezembro é um mês de baixa atividade imobiliária, em razão das férias escolares, comemoração do Natal e preparativos do Ano Novo. "Daqui para frente, passado o Carnaval, é que começaremos a ter uma tendência mais segura do comportamento do mercado de imóveis usados e de locações residenciais neste ano", diz Viana Neto.
Financie sua casa sem juros, sem entrada, sem fiador, sem comprovação de renda e sem consulta ao SPC e Serasa.
Mudança no “Minha Casa, Minha Vida” 2 diminui faixa de famílias atendidas pelo programa
23/04/10 - Dentre as alterações anunciadas pelo governo para a segunda fase do programa “Minha Casa, Minha Vida”, está a desvinculação da tabela de concessão de subsídios ao número de salários mínimos. Quando lançado, há um ano, o programa habitacional visava ao atendimento de famílias com renda até 10 salários mínimos. Agora, foram estabelecidos tetos que variam de R$ 1.395,00 a R$ 4.750,00. “Isso é ruim para a sociedade, porque parcela importante da população fica fora do programa e deixa de receber subsídios maiores e outros benefícios, como juros baixos e isenções cartorárias”, diz o presidente do Secovi-SP, João Crestana.
Se fosse mantida a mesma regra, ou seja, atualizar a tabela pelo novo valor do mínimo (R$ 510,00), famílias com renda mensal de R$ 1.530,00 não seriam excluídas da primeira faixa do programa, assim como aquelas com ganhos até R$ 5.100,00, da faixa mais elevada.
Para o sindicato, a mudança tolhe a abrangência do programa em mais de 40% nos próximos quatro anos, admitindo-se uma futura nova correção do salário mínimo nos níveis efetuados em 2010. Também há prejuízo para regiões como São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Belo Horizonte, onde os salários são maiores, até porque o custo de vida também é maior, sem contar que em tais regiões metropolitanas os preços definidos para os imóveis no início do programa (em São Paulo, por exemplo, R$ 52 mil) têm se mostrado insuficientes. Com a nova prioridade, a distorção se agrava.
O mercado imobiliário espera conseguir corrigir essas imperfeições no debate a ser efetivado nos 90 dias previstos para detalhamento do programa, como aconteceu em sua fase inicial. “O anúncio foi uma declaração de intenções, que servirá como base para debates e trabalhos em conjunto com a equipe do governo, por meio do diálogo e entendimento produtivo”, diz Crestana.
Financie sua casa sem juros, sem entrada, sem fiador, sem comprovação de renda e sem consulta ao SPC e Serasa.
quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010
Financiamento imobiliário com recursos da poupança bate recorde em março e no ano
O montante superou em 37,7% os R$ 3,0 bilhões registrados em fevereiro e em mais de 82% os R$ 2,3 bilhões contratados no mesmo mês do ano passado.
No acumulado do primeiro trimestre, as contratações somaram R$ 9,98 bilhões, batendo novo recorde para o período, com crescimento de 70% no comparativo com igual intervalo em 2009.
Em março, 28.912 unidades foram financiadas, com alta de 17% sobre fevereiro e de 34,8% no confronto com o mesmo mês no ano passado. No primeiro trimestre (76.539 imóveis), houve aumento de 38%.
O resultado reforça a estimativa da Abecip de que 2010 registrará um novo recorde nas operações de crédito imobiliário realizadas pelos agentes do SBPE (Sistema Brasileiro de Poupança e Empréstimo), totalizando cerca de R$ 50 bilhões no ano. Isso representaria um crescimento de 47% sobre o valor (R$ 34 bilhões) contabilizado em 2009.
Financiamos Casa Própria:
Sem juros, sem entrada, sem fiador, sem comprovação de
renda e sem consulta ao SPC e Serasa, em até 30 anos!
quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010
Facebook unveils big privacy changes
Included are major revisions to Facebook's privacy settings, which will allow some select third-party Web sites to access and store users' personal information.
Those sites can use that information to show what a user's Facebook friends have been doing on their sites. CNN, IMDB.com and ESPN.com are among the first sites signing up to use the technology. So if you're a Facebook user reading CNN.com, you'll be able to see what all your Facebook friends are looking at, view recommended stories and see which friends liked which stories.
Users will be able to share more of the outside Web with their social network.
"This is the most transformative thing we've ever done for the Web," said Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg in his keynote address Wednesday. "These new technologies will help create instantly social and personalized experiences on the Web."
But even before the announcement, critics expressed concern about the privacy implications of such a service. A similar program called Beacon, unveiled in 2007, caused such a stir among users that the company canned it last year.
Some experts say Facebook learned from its mistakes with Beacon, but it still needs to frame the argument better to get its customers on board. Instead of waiting until Wednesday, Facebook somewhat covertly made the proposed change to its privacy policy late last month and opened it up for public comment.
Facebook vs. Google: Game On
"It's not a surprise that the feedback has been quite negative so far," said Augie Ray, social networking analyst for Forrester Research. "Facebook needs to start framing these issues in ways that make the benefits to consumers clear. They're being much more transparent, but there's still a lot of room for improvement."
Despite some pushback from users, the move is part of a big effort from Facebook to continue to grow beyond facebook.com.
0:00 /2:39Facebook's 6th birthday
"It's evident that Facebook wishes to expand its reach," said Ray. "Facebook has created a very effective and valuable destination site that eats up enormous amounts of users' time, but for the most part, users have to go to facebook.com to get that value."
Big changes
Universal "like" button: One of the major new items that users will see is a "like" button displayed on Web sites outside of Facebook. The social network will collect that data to better understand and map its users preferences.
The "like" button on Facebook broadcasts what photos, comments or posts a user likes. Facebook announced Wednesday that "like" buttons will start to show up across the Internet, enabling users to share items with friends even when they're not physically on facebook.com.
For instance, liking "The Godfather" on IMDB.com will put that movie in a user's movie interests section of their Facebook page. Liking a baseball player on ESPN.com will put up-to-date information about that player in a user's news feed.
To compliment the universal "like" button, Facebook has changed its internal "Become a Fan" button to "like" as well.
Facebook also will provide a Facebook "social bar" tool that third-party Web sites can display at the bottom of a page, which will let users access some Facebook features without leaving the site, including chat, and activity streams. Similarly, Facebook said third-party Web sites will soon be able to host a number of Facebook features on their sites.
New profiles, new pages: Facebook is changing users' profile pages so that the "pages" section will no longer appear in a separate section on the bottom of the "info" page. Those pages will be brought up to the "interests" section.
Users will be asked to convert their interests into fan pages: Is one of your interests "The Beatles?" Well, now you're a fan of The Beatles. By default, users will receive notifications from their fan pages in their news feed.
Doesn't sound like such a big deal, but here's the kicker: Users who choose to convert their interests to "pages" will lose privacy control with the new changes. Many parts of users' profiles, including hometowns, birthdays, education, religion and work interests would be considered "connections" if a user converts them, making them public to anyone.
Facebook vs. Google: Game On
Facebook’s new features are positioning it to organize the Web. Can it best Google?
Can Facebook out-Google Google? The competition is mounting between the Web’s two largest destinations as Facebook unleashes a string of new features. Set to debut at Facebook’s April 21 developers conference, they may lay the groundwork for reorganizing the Internet according to the relationships between people instead of pages—with massive implications for both search and advertising.
Back when the Web was simply pages we clicked through on our laptops, Google (GOOG) was king of search, serving up the most relevant and popular Web destinations. It still does the best job of any single search engine at turning up what we want, and it’s constantly refining its algorithms to give us the most relevant results based on our past searches. So when a colleague and I both plugged “Heidi Klum” into our Google search boxes recently, my first three results were text links to articles while he received photographs of the supermodel. We showed these screens to Google Chief Economist Hal Varian during an interview last week, and he gave an approving nod: It was a successful result of the company’s massive endeavor to personalize and improve searches.
But as the Web becomes more dynamic, Google falls short.
Thanks to microblogging services and social networks, anyone can publish online and mine the results in real time, creating a massive amount of data that often exists inside a social network and is difficult to index and nearly impossible to deliver results on in real time. Also, the Web can now be found on any device that has a browser—Blackberries, iPads, and laptops are just the beginning. And we depend on the web to turn up higher volumes of increasingly more relevant information. It's become increasingly clear that we need better ways to organize that information. When I search for Heidi Klum, I also wanted to know what my friends have to say about her, what articles they’ve read about her, and whether she happens to be, say, speaking right this second at a bookstore two blocks down from me.
Facebook's Mission to Extend Social Networking
With its newest round of features, Facebook lays the groundwork to meet this desire by reaching far beyond the social network itself. With the rumored “like” button that founder Mark Zuckerberg will announce in his keynote, users will be able to “like” Websites and Facebook will collect that data, creating an expanding map of the preferences people express across the the entire Internet.
Facebook is also reported to be preparing a tool bar that Web publishers can affix to the bottom of a page, allowing users to do their social networking without leaving, say, the New York Times (NYT) Website. And blogs report Facebook may be experimenting with developer tools that will allow any page on the Web to have the features of a Facebook page.
As it launches more features outside the Facebook site, the company’s strategy is starting to look remarkably similar to Google’s early strategy. As the Times points out, the search engine began as a destination for searchers. To grow, it first syndicated its search box to other websites, and later, its advertising platform.
Is Google Keeping Up?
Meanwhile most of Google’s efforts at harnessing the new types of information passed around within social networks have fallen flat.
The company has inked a deal to show Twitter results in its search stream, but it's not yet clear how they improve Google's traditional search experience. And Google’s February launch of Buzz as a feature that let Gmailers share updates and content was met with outcries from users irked at having their address books suddenly made public in the form of friend lists that their followers could view. The strategy Google employs is remarkably different, both from its early days, and from where Facebook is today. Rather than bringing their software to the places users already are, Google is trying to build new sandboxes for users to come into. So far, they don't seem interested in bringing their toys to play. Facebook, meanwhile is trying to make all of the Internet into its sandbox, by offering more and better intergration with the tools and websites users already like.
Yet for all of Facebook’s sharing capabilities, it has yet to conquer one of the most social territories on the Web—and one of the places where users spend the most time: the inbox. The site’s messaging system is clunky and hard to organize. Google still holds users' attention with Gmail, the best free email system available, and despite the poor reception Buzz received, the company was smart to think about how it could turn its email platform into a social networking platform—or find a better way to harness the social aspects of the Web and organize it into an improved search product, before it's too late.
Lock Your Spot For FREE!
Lock YOUR Spot 360
Lock YOUR Spot BackOffice
Lock YOUR Spot
What are you waiting for, Lock YOUR Spot NOW!
What is Lock YOUR Spot?
Lock Your Spot 360 promises to be the last Network Marketing company you will ever join. Let's find out why!
Currently in the Pre-Launch stage, you have an opportunity to benefit greatly from capitalizing on "First-Mover advantage". Smart Line 360° offers you the ability to "Lock YOUR Spot," to literally position yourself in front of thousands of people. This is the beauty of Pre-Launch, you get in before the herd!
What are you waiting for, Lock YOUR Spot NOW!
Behind the scenes of Lock YOUR spot
Over the past 20 years, a handful of successful leaders have generated nearly $1 billion dollars in sales in their respective companies. Now, they have joined forces to create something so cool, so unique, and so revolutionary, you don't want to miss it. It's the creme of the crop coming together online and giving us what we have been screaming for!
On May 15, 2010, all bets are off. The gloves come off, the door slams shut and it's game on. These leaders are pulling out all the stops to create a brand-new company that you can call home. This is Lock YOUR Spot!
How does Lock YOUR spot work?
How are they doing it? By putting it all on the line. By getting in the trenches. By assembling the best field and executive leadership team this industry has ever seen. By merging the most successful approaches to multiple industries and developing a unified strategy to put our dreams and passion on the forefront. They are only bringing to the table the best there is to see!
You won't find their proven, simple, duplicable system anywhere else. The vision is fearless. The diverse leadership team is uniquely qualified and positioned to support you. It's simply duplication on steroids! Lock YOUR Spot gets you multiplying immediately, as unique as it gets with everyone that joins after you getting in line to profit for YOU!
Everyone that joins after you will be placed under you as "Your Total SmartLine Downline (Updated Daily)" and your own personal sponsors will come under YOU as "Your Total Personally Sponsored (Real Time)"
In Pre-Launch mode, you are bound to get thousands coming under you as they join the opportunity! I have managed to get 2,000+ in 2 days!
Whether you sponsor or not, you get a big share of the income pie!
What's in store for Lock YOUR spot?
Products that help improve every aspect of your life. Patented, dependable, and recognized everywhere. Smart Line 360° has designed the compensation plan for Lock YOUR Spot to be one of a kind, where everyone has a chance to get a slice of the pie!
What are you waiting for, Lock YOUR Spot NOW!
terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010
Garanta Seu Lugar - Lock Your Spot (Do Twitter)
Garanta Seu Lugar - LockYourSpot - Garanta Seu Lugar - LockYourSpot - Garanta Seu Lugar - http://www.promovabem.com/garanta-seu-lugar/
segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010
Garanta seu lugar!
Um NOVO MARCO na industria do MLM em PRÉ-LANÇAMENTO!
Uma nova empresa de MLM está nascendo nos EUA, com um novo produto patenteado e com uma nova formula de MLM. Está tudo em segredo. O lançamento será no dia 15 de Maio.
Esta companhia foi formada pelos maiores gurus do MLM em nível mundial. Toda a gente que se cadastrar depois de você, fica na sua rede. Funciona por ordem de chegada.
Nosso Plano de Compensação é tão inovador que nós temos absoluta certeza de que ele será copiado, tão logo divulgado. Brevemente estaremos divulgando todos os detalhes. Nosso conselho: Garanta seu lugar IMEDIATAMENTE! COMPLETAMENTE GRÁTIS! Vale a pena. Pode acreditar.
Ser dos primeiros em um negócio que se prenuncia GRANDE, pode representar uma mudança radical em sua vida. Ser dos primeiros aqui vai mudar sua situação financeira. Nosso sistema é tão surpreendentemente criativo que milhares ouvirão falar acerca logo no lançamento. Vai se espalhar pela rede como um rastilho de pólvora! Você tem a oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro por cada um que se cadastrar após você, tenha indicado ou não. TODOS. Não estou brincando. TODOS que se cadastrarem após você podem lhe gerar renda.
Nós queremos que mais pessoas ganhem e mais frequentemente. Este sistema vai fazer parecer a venda direta uma brincadeira de criança. Dito isto, cadastre-se, pegue seu site GRÁTIS e saia por aí divulgando. Vem coisa muito boa por aí. Diga a todos os amigos conhecidos e contactos da Internet que "Garanta seu lugar GRATUITAMENTE" agora!
O cadastro é GRÁTIS! Garanta seu lugar AGORA!
360 – Lock Your Spot
This is a Huge Money Opportunity
Introducing 360° SmartLine System
Have you locked in your position in the SmartLine system? Thousands of people are looking at this every hour. Many of them are signing up. Everyone who signs up after you is on your team. This is pretty exciting, and it’s about to get better!
The compensation plan is so innovative that it will surely be admired and copied! The details will be released soon.
Lock in your spot ASAP for FREE! It’s worth it. Trust me! You can not afford not to join, because you are joining for FREE.
If you don’t know being first in something BIG can be life changing. Being first here can turn your life around. The early bird gets the worm!!! I now have over 3,500 members in my downline in only 3 short days.
Tell everyone you know about this opportunity and tell them to go to: http://www.LockYourSpot.com/nilobezerra . They will benefit from a chance to lock in their position and from the amazing products that are coming soon. Don’t keep this information to yourself! Think of it as a great way to start helping others, starting right now.
Launching May 15th 2010!
P.S. Don’t forget that EVERYONE who joins this opportunity after you will be on your Smart Line team. Timing is everything, so get the word out to everyone you care about today.
Don’t forget to Lock Your Spot Now while it is FREE.